What is the Human Biorhythm?

Perhaps you are curious about biorhythm and the 3 circles. Let’s start with Biorhythm analysis and calculation using the 3 circles. We will end with a brief story.

The Physical circle

This one concerns the condition and feeling of your physical body. This has an impact on your energy, physical strength, stamina, and resistance to external interference such as diseases. It foreshadows a strong day if the circle is higher than the 50% line in your morning.

The other side of the coin is that a circle below 50% means your body needs to be less active and you should get as much rest as possible. Resting on these days can actually lift your spirits on days when your Biorhythm is positive.

The emotional circle

This circle, also known as the sensitivity rhythm or the biorhythm circle, deals with the effects of your nervous system on it and how it reacts when there is outside interference. You may have experienced days when you felt happy, no matter what the reason. You are likely to have been on an emotional high these days.

The reverse is true. If your circle is lower than the halfing level, you should be more cautious with your words and emotions towards your surroundings. This encourages pessimism and negative thinking.

The circle of Intellect

Some days you feel like you can solve any problem in a matter of minutes. Other days, your brain is so clear that you have no idea what to do next. These are days when your bioryhym circle of intelligence is at its highest level. Your brain appears to be more alert and faster about the environment.

You may have difficulty understanding new topics, or you might get stuck in a situation that doesn’t give you any clues.

The second level cycles

Most people are content with the three main cycles. However, there are some who add the following 3 cycles in order to improve their lives. These are the secondary Biorhythm cycles.


  • 38-day intuitive cycle
  • Spiritual cycle 53 days
  • Aestetic circle 43 Days

This is a way to gain a deeper understanding of human interactions and improve the basic understanding of the basic 3 cycles. The 2nd level cycles can be used to gain additional information that will allow us to adapt our lives to more diverse life situations.

All secondary biorhythm cycles can be calculated by adding 2 first-level cycles.

Passion Cycles: Physical + Emotional

Wisdom Cycles: Intellectual + Emotional

Mastery Cycles: Physical + Intellectual

We all know that cycles can overlap, be unison, or be on opposite ends of the range. This can lead to either positive or negative development in the 2nd-level cycles.

More details about the single level 2nd Biorhythm cycle

Passion cycle

You can use the computer to identify days when you feel more motivated to work towards a goal. Passion is the driving force behind enthusiasm and joyous creation. Passion encourages empathy and sensitivity, but it can also make you more vulnerable to negative emotions like anger, hatred, or despair.

Wisdom Cycle

A WC above 85 indicates that you are able to make wise decisions about people, things, or situations. This supports your decision-making process and gives you an enhanced sense of common sense and understanding of a particular thing.

Master Cycle

This approach leaves emotions aside and focuses on the intellectual and physical aspects of your Biorhythm. You are able to see the world as it is without judgment. This will give you far greater clarity when it comes to high-level MC days.

Alternatives (or not)

It can sometimes be as simple as naming the child. In our case, it was secondary Biorhythm circles. To give you a holistic overview, I will present them separately.

The Intuitive Cycle

You may also feel an inner feeling that something is right or wrong. This is most common on days when the Intuitive cycle is at its highest level. This is like feeling a certain outcome, and then things happen by chance. Be more open to your analytical mind on bad days.

Spiritual Cycle

This cycle targets your spirit and mind, as the greek spiritus, the source of the word “Spiritual”, already said. The word “Spiro”, also known as breath, is essential for meditation and Yoga. This cycle can help you connect to higher frequencies.

The Aesthetic Cycle

This cycle is good for creativity and innovation. This cycle is high when you are more open and accepting of other ways to see the world, as well as the beauty and wonders of nature. Your mind is open to art, and art is open to you.

It is obvious that the Law of Attraction techniques of using affirmations, visualizations and “just feeling it” are very close to being able to use your Biorhythm as a guideline for faster and easier manifestation.

How to increase the Law of Attraction with the power of your biorhythm

Fun fact bonus:

Biorhythm analysis and charting are not new. This can be attributed to Dr. Herman Svobod in the early 20th Century. Hippocrates, a wise man from ancient Greece, shared his wisdom with his students about the good and bad days of life and how to make the most of them.

How to read a Biorhythm Chart

A level near the top turnaround indicates an increase in energy. This can be described as feeling strong, healthy, connected to your environment, and present/in the moment. The other feelings include fragility, uneasiness and tenseness, as well as a lack of concentration power.

Let’s now talk about the cross-section. The main focus of the cross section is the middle line. This line, also known as the line of change or the 50% line, is what we will be focusing on. This is where the curce line crosses from the lower to the upper or vice versa. This is the time to be more careful, pay closer attention to your surroundings, and adapt your lifestyle accordingly.

How to determine biorhythm percentage How to read a biorhythm diagram

It is not difficult to interpret a biorhythm chart, or to find meaning in percentages. This is how you can use the various levels and how to interpret them. Let’s start with


Bottom line – Do not plan too much, regardless of whether it’s a workout session or a new endeavor.


Low – You should keep your effort at a low level. Even if you feel more comfortable than the lower levels, it is not the right time to push yourself to the limit.


Average/low – You can slowly but surely gain momentum in your mental and physical activities. Although you may not be at the peak yet, your energy is already flowing towards yourself.


Average/high – You feel more energetic and excited about the days ahead.


High – This is the ideal time to get out and walk, train or just enjoy the day. You feel powerful and strong, and your body and mind are ready for new challenges.


Maximum power and energy – You can use days of this level for the most difficult tasks. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of it and put your best effort into whatever you do. You can accomplish almost any job with little effort when your energy flow is at its highest.

Think about how you can use the highs from each cycle to increase your Law of Attraction efforts.