Find out your biorhythm type to make it easier to work smarter.
You have the flexibility to work from home, and it can also give you the illusion that you have plenty of time. Are you bored of surfing the Internet endlessly? Are you unable to concentrate on a task up until the deadline? You may need to revise the schedule.
Biorhythms can be used to create a personal time management program. You have the freedom to work when you like. You can work at night or during the day, as you choose. Your body is an excellent time-manager. You can learn to work with your body!
Biorhythms are body clocks which affect the physical, emotional, and intellectual aspects of the human being. There are two main categories that describe the individual cycles. High activity during the first half is a hallmark of morning people or early risers. Evening people and night owls are those who can work late.
Let’s look at time management tips for both types.
Biorhythm Type
How to create a schedule for an early riser –Biorhythm Type
Morning people don’t require an alarm clock. They feel refreshed right after they wake up. They feel hungry and require a full breakfast in the morning. These people are often exhausted in the first half hour of the day. They are able to work long hours and have difficulty finding work. They are great at freelance and office work. They can complete tasks ahead of time.
Recognize yourself in this description. Take a look at these:
- Get up an hour earlier. Do morning exercise or yoga. Start your day with a positive attitude to increase your productivity.
- As soon as you can, start working on tasks that require attentiveness. This is a good time to do research, plan a strategy, and calculate. For the second half of the day, leave the monotonous work behind.
- Between 2 and 3 p.m., you may feel tired. You can have a cup of coffee or strong tea with no flavorings. Night sleep will not be affected by caffeine.
- Your daily tasks should be in decreasing order. You will struggle to sleep at night if you do not complete the job that you did in the morning. You want to work more and buy time? You can read insightful literature and blogs about issues in the evening.
- Avoid negotiations after dinner. Disputable situations can cause you irritation.
- Do not overtrain yourself. You can take a break in the afternoon if you are under pressure to work more hours.
>>> Read my review on The Biorhythm
Night owls can purchase time in many ways –Biorhythm Type
People who follow these cycles are happy to work at night and get up in the morning with effort. Night-owls lack energy and sleep too late. They can live without eating breakfast in the morning. Night owls have a higher appetite in the afternoon, which is correlated with their work performance. They are more likely to delay and procrastination .
According to Jeffrey Larson’s survey the Night Owls make up the majority of the world’s night-owls. These cycles are ideal for freelance work. Even so, self-organization is a must.
Are you one of those night-owls too? Let’s take a look at some tips!
- Do not sleep until noon. You should find the best time to get up and feel refreshed. It could be 8 AM. Take a light lunch, and have a cup of strong coffee.
- Do not spend the morning wrapped in blankets. Slow down and get to work. Start by choosing an interesting section of the task that you are emotionally attached to.
- Make sure you have your second (and final) cup of coffee. Your second (and last) cup of coffee should be taken before 2 p.m. It is important to plan your day. Do not risk a sleepless night!
- How do you solve a difficult problem in an afternoon? Do not get bogged down! Take a quick bike ride, then get back to work.
- To ensure self-collect, it is better to hold negotiations after noon.
- Your daily routine should be planned in an increasing order. You may find the most productive hours between 5 and 7, or later.
- You have more concentration before the deadline Your most productive time is yours. But make sure to prepare for your next big event.
Your personal schedule
There are also so-called intermediates. These people are biased in their cycles and have a tendency to domination of only one type.
Pat Brans suggests an experiment to measure your biorhythms. The following column headings should be included in a table:
- What hour of the day?
- Physical Energy
- Concentration
- Wakefulness
- Attitude
You can repeat the experiment again after a few days. If you feel anxious or stressed, don’t take the test. Your heart rate should be in a normal state.
Analyse your records. Which hours are most productive? Which hours of the day do you feel most uplifted/irritated/disappointed?
Now, create your own daily schedule.
- Be attentive and awake during the most tedious work hours of the day.
- When your physical energy is high, get down to work on a difficult project
- You can cheer yourself up by engaging in a task that will make you happy, even if it makes you feel depressed.
- When you’re on the bright side, develop strategies
You can work as many hours as you like in a freelance job. It is important to work in a systematic manner. Analyze your cycles. You can surf them, you can ride the waves. Be bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and happy!
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