Having a hard time staying up at night? Rest and Relaxation Against Toxic Productivity and Grind Culture

Having a hard time staying up at night? Rest and Relaxation Against Toxic Productivity and Grind Culture

“Productive” conjures images of accomplishment, such as finishing a work assignment, cleaning up the house, or taking on a new pastime with ease and success. Isn’t that what we all strive for? We strive to accomplish something on both our workdays and our days off. Grit and hustle are lauded as virtues that should be…

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Ringing In Your Left Ear Spiritual Meaning – 7 Spiritual Meanings Of Ringing Ears

If your left ear is ringing, what does that mean? While this can be a medical condition, if you are absolutely certain that you do not have tinnitus, it may have a spiritual meaning. How do left-ear ringings have a spiritual meaning? – Ringing In Your Left Ear Spiritual Meaning We may not understand these…

Biorhythms And Brain Clock

Biorhythms and Brain Clocks are terms to describe a relationship between the rhythms of the brain and the daily fluctuations in the natural cycle of things such as the Moon, the sun, and even weather. The brain itself is a very complex device and when it is exposed to varying external environmental stresses, it becomes…

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Find out your biorhythm type to make it easier to work smarter.

You have the flexibility to work from home, and it can also give you the illusion that you have plenty of time. Are you bored of surfing the Internet endlessly? Are you unable to concentrate on a task up until the deadline? You may need to revise the schedule. Biorhythms can be used to create a personal time management program. You…